Monday, March 29, 2010

Eddie Haskell, Jr.

G has a classmate who is relatively new and likes to pick on the other kids. I was a bit surprised to hear about it, since he is always so sweet and smiley when I walk into her class at both drop off and pick up. When I started to hear from G about this little tyrant's propensity for pushing and hitting, I asked the administrator what is going on. Turns out, this little guy tried to hit and/or push G when he first got to class. What did she do?

"No! Stop! No hit! NO THANK YOU!!!!"

Nope. She wasn't having any of it. He hasn't gone near her since.

He is, however, a fan of picking on those who take it and don't speak up for themselves. Yikes! A bully at the ripe old age of 2. I am happy to hear that our girl spoke up and demanded that he stop, but I am sad that she is being exposed to this disturbing social norm at such a young age, an age when they learn behavior and don't always understand the consequences.

As a result, I have started talking to G about standing up for her friends, too. If she sees someone hit or push one of her classmates, it is OK to say, "No. Stop. NO THANK YOU! Be nice to my friend."

I have a feeling we haven't seen the end of this episode.

And, just for kicks, here's a photo of the fabulous Miss G!


rebekah said...

Go G!

Mama Papaya said...

Go G! Adorable picture, Mama. :)

Karin said...

I love to hear about girls (and boys) who know how to stick up for themselves. What a great life lesson!