Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Maybe he should have been named Pablo?

One of B's birthday presents was an easel. Since he's been going to school, he's become much more fond of "doing art" to borrow his phrase.

Since opening this gift, he has decided to make some cards for Daddy "so he will feel happy when he comes home from work". 

He's come a long way from the one art class we attended this time last year when he refused to wear the art smock and would only play with play dough and play on the slide in the art room vs. working on the project of the day. 

Besides being a budding artist, he's also very sweet. Today he announced, "Mommy, I love my sister from Ethiopia." 

What are you feeding her?

1 April 2008 9 lbs 7 oz & 23 in
28 April 2008 12 lbs 15 oz & 24 in
If you don't want to do the math, that is 3.5 lbs & 1 inch in one month. That is a 37% weight gain. She finally made it to the 3% mark on the US Growth Charts for height and weight. In answer to the title question, she has been drinking massive amounts of formula - up to 44 oz in one day. We've been making it a little "thick" - meaning adding an extra teaspoon of formula for every ounce. (Or we did until we found out how big she was on Monday.) We did this when B was a preemie, but never with such incredible results. We also started rice cereal, once we figured out that she will only eat with a metal teaspoon, not the little plastic spoons we used for B. 

Friday, April 25, 2008

Getting Dressed

Most of B's friends who are girls have been able to dress themselves for months. Maybe even a year. However, B is just starting to take an interest in helping get his clothing on and off. 

Looks like he may need a bit more practice. 

Another Week

So, T is home!! This is why I am able to post tonight and still get a bit of sleep. 

I tried to tackle fewer projects this week and G stopped asking to eat each hour. Now it's more like every 2 hours or so, with an occasional insistence on food after about 90 minutes. 

B threw a tantrum both mornings before going to school. Hard on me, especially when he's so happy when I pick him up a few hours later. I think he thinks G and I are having some kind of party in his absence. Oh well. I hope it improves soon.

Strangers keep approaching us and telling us how Gorgeous G is. I always agree, since they aren't my genes, so it doesn't feel so much like bragging. I forgot how much babies really are magnets for strangers. Most are kind enough to acknowledge B's beautiful face, too. Yes, that may be bragging, but since no one thinks he looks like me, maybe not?? 

Today, as B woke from his nap, G and I curled up with him in his bed. He'd actually been dozing on the couch, but G's squeals were interrupting his beauty sleep, so he chose to go back to his room. After a few minutes, we joined him and I snapped these great photos. He gave her his big "bappy" (blanket) to cuddle with, then grabbed her hand. So sweet. 

Tomorrow we celebrate the big 3 for B!!! His teachers really want us to start working harder on potty training. I don't think I am ready and know it won't work if I am not 100% committed to the concept. Since every time I mention the concept to him he protests, I don't think it is time yet.  However, we are now fast approaching the concept of comfort vs. ability. He can do it. He doesn't want to do it and I can't force him without potential serious repercussions (so I am told).  I guess I just need to prepare for lots of extra laundry over the next few months (though hopefully he'll get it faster than that). 

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Chubby Baby

Life with Two

Quick Review of the Week:
Monday - Doctor's Appointment for G. She is TINY (10 lbs 5 oz, 58 cm) by US standards and the doc wants us to fatten her up. We spend lots of time trying to get a big blood draw with no success. B takes a 4 hour nap once we get home.
Tuesday - B goes to school. Takes a 3 hour nap in the afternoon. G spends her first morning at the mall. She eats all day - like every hour or 2 and gets angry if food is not presented immediately. But sleeps pretty well - only up once or twice. T's Mom has back surgery and it is a great success. Hip Hip Hooray!
Wednesday - B's playgroup meets. We are late because we have to stop and feed G on the way. We have fun catching up with the other kids and Moms. Drop off samples at the doc for G's poop test. This is really love. B takes another 3-4 hour nap, but only when G's awake.
Thursday - We plan to surprise T downtown at a board meeting for a charitable organization he works with because the Exec Dir. asked me to bring the kids to see him get an award at their lunch meeting. FOUR outfit changes later, we arrive. Turns out it is a surprise baby shower for us. Another big nap for B, but only when G is awake. My folks make us dinner. Yum. 
Friday - B throws a fit. Doesn't want to go to school. I hold my ground until we get to school and as I go to get him out of the car, he had puss in his PINK eyes and I fear the dreaded infection has returned to our house. So, we pack back up and head once again to the doc. We have been at the office every day this week - dropping off samples, etc. Doc is happy to see us because she is worried about G's weight...until she weighs in at 11 lbs 10 oz!!! Doc says it's ok if G wants to eat each hour. Let her. B's eyes look clear but we get an Rx in case the puss is back. Family arrives from Salem. I get away for a hair appointment while B & G hang with their cousins and my folks. 
Saturday - Take T to the airport for his trip to UK.  Pick up brother-in-law for weekend visit. Spend day with extended family in from Minnesota and most of my mom's family. B naps for 20 minutes. G eats all day. 

So, I have to get over the fact that I can't get all of my errands run in one day. It will not happen. Not if I have to feed G every hour or two during waking hours ( 7 am - 7 pm). B is great with his sister, though a bit jealous of my time away from him. He loves her. Hugs her. Kisses her. Likes to help with her bath, or putting her to bed, etc. My house is a mess. I think this will be a permanent condition for the next few weeks, months or so. I would love to sort through travel photos or even email some of our favorites to our travel group, but until I can get 3 meals made, shower and pay our bills on time, those things will have to wait. I will try to be patient and enjoy my two beautiful children. 

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Bath Time

B helped give G her first bath at home, and as you can see from her expression, she thinks he's pretty cool.

We are settling in. Got some sleep yesterday and overnight. G got up a few times, but settled back down pretty easily (fingers crossed that this pattern continues). 

Thanks for all of the phone calls and email messages. We are settling in and hope to introduce G in person when we get a clean bill of health from her doc and have some time in the next few weeks. 

Friday, April 11, 2008

Home at Last

We left for the airport Thursday night at 6 pm Ethiopia time - which is 8 am at home (I think). We took off at 10:45 pm and landed in Amsterdam before 6 am local time. We had a layover until just after 10 am and landed, safely at home, before 11:30 am local time. Beautiful B and his grandparents were waiting after we cleared customs. G did great - slept most of the flight home. She took a short nap in the car, didn't mind the car seat too much, and loved being held by her grandparents. 

I slept for several hours this afternoon (thanks to the grandparents and T) since I only got about 4 hours of sleep since Thursday morning in Africa (about 8 pm Wednesday night at home). 

I will post pictures of B helping with G later, but I need to get to sleep.

Thanks for all of the prayers and well wishes. They worked!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Rain in Africa

As we traveled through the country, we saw the effects of a draught. We keep hearing that they need rain in the countryside so that the farmers can keep their crops. Well, the rain came yesterday and today. Much like a downpour in Florida - fast and furious with lots of thunder and lightening. Baby G is fine with the noise. We were outside under cover during the majority of the storm and it didn't phase her.
Here are more photos.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Our First Night

Well, the Nannies at the Care Center have the kids on a pretty regular schedule. They said G eats at 7 pm, 1 am, 7 am, 1 pm. During the day, she ate more often, so I was a little skeptical. However, last night, we fed her at 7, changed her diaper, put on her pjs and put her in her crib. She chatted away for a few minutes, then fell asleep. She woke up at 1 am - on the nose - and screamed until we fed her. Then we changed her diaper and put her back down. Again she chatted a bit, but by 1:45, she was asleep. It is now 7 am and she is starting to stir. Slept in her crib all night!!! We also were given a report that she may wake 2-3 times during the night to eat. Let's hope this nice regular pattern continues.

Yesterday was a HUGE day for all of us. We officially took custody of the children. We went to the infant/toddler care center where they gave us a tour of the facility. They dress the children in traditional outfits and sing songs for us. They also say a prayer and say goodbye to the kids. They served cake and soda. The parents get letters from the Nannies and staff, a packet of school work for the children over age 3 (when they start attending school). There are lots of tears of joy. The kids get to leave their handprints in a book (they used to put them on the wall, but I think they are running out of room). The other children chant their names and cheer for each child.

After we said goodbye, we had lunch at the guesthouse, then we were off to the US Embassy. In our group, we have 5 older boys going home to 4 families ranging in age from 3 - 7 and 4 infants (2 girls and 2 boys) all between 5-6 months old, going home with 4 families. So our total group was 8 families. We were called 1-2 at a time and were done in less than 2 hours. Jo, the CHSFS rep, said it was a record. We waited in a special waiting room downstairs that had a TV, water cooler and play area for the kids. It wasn't hot and stuffy as we were told to expect.

After the Embassy trip, we returned to the guest house to retrieve our luggage and then they gave us a ride to the Sheraton. Let's say I have never been so excited to check into a hotel in my life. The room is big and beautiful. Lots of marble and plenty of fluffy white towels. AND A HAIR DRYER!! The bed is soft. Room service is fast and the food is delicious. Not that we didn't enjoy our stay at the Millenium hotel and I will highly recommend it for all families adopting from CHS, however. This hotel feels just a little bit more like home. And they have a back up generator, so when the power goes out, we have about 30-60 seconds and then it is back up and running. 

Pictures At Last!!!

It's been a great trip to Ethiopia. The people are so friendly, loving and helpful. Best of all, we're spending time with our beautiful Baby G. While power outages (most of the day) and rules about camera use (none allowed at the Care Center) have prevented us from posting pictures, we're glad to get to share this one….

Friday, April 4, 2008


We made it. The flight was uneventful. The staff at CHSFS - Ethiopia is incredible. They take care of everything. Our hotel is a short walk from everything, but they offer to drive us around the corner at any time.
G is PERFECT!! She has long legs and long fingers. She has long eye lashes and we could all get lost in her big saucer eyes. She smiled and giggled a tiny bit, but mostly just watched us very closely. We got to hold her and be with her two times today. We will be with her and hold her often until she comes into our custody on Tuesday morning.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Yes, snow

We don't get much snow at our house, especially outside of winter.
However, Mother Nature thought our Spring Break needed a little
variety. Those who chose to spend the week skiing were pretty excited.
Those of us who no longer hit the slopes were a bit amused.

On the road...

One of B's great new phrases is to explain, to whomever will listen,
that we are, "On the road!"

As I compose this message, we are heading to Minneapolis to catch our
flight to Amsterdam, then on to Addis Ababa. We left home at 4 am with
very little sleep, so we are both planning to spend as much of our 29
hour travel oddessy trying to both sleep and adjust our body blocks by
12 hours.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Less than 24 Hours!!!

It’s hard to believe that we’ll be flying in less than 24 hours. By Midnight Thursday, we should be holding our little girl. Thank you to everyone who has sent well wishes. I apologize if I have not replied. Please know I have read your messages and feel great with each happy message. Please check back for posts. T may be bringing a small computer along, so we may have a better chance to post than I originally thought.