Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Normal

I haven't posted for a bit because I am still working on making our New Normal less 'new' and much more 'normal'. B seems to be settling into his routine. I am still walking him all the way into his classroom rather than dropping him off at the door or the curb. Compared to the WEEKS of tantrums at drop off last year, I am happy to walk him to the room. Today was my first day volunteering with his class. He didn't like it when I left, but seemed to enjoy having me around today. I am thankful for that while it lasts.

G is spending her first day at a new school. I wasn't happy with her other option this fall. Unorganized is the best way to describe it. Nothing WRONG just didn't feel RIGHT. Had to follow my Mama instinct and go elsewhere. I called a couple of hours in and they said she is doing great. We'll see if she sleeps or eats...

T is working crazy hours. I hope this isn't a permanent part of our New Normal. I know he feels the same way. He was able to get away to celebrate a night away for our Anniversary. That was a well-needed break that we both enjoyed.

I will try not to stay away too long. For now, I'll keep working on this routine.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Pleasantly Surprised

I am happy to report that both kids enjoyed their first week of school at their new schools. B was very brave and shed NOT A TEAR at any point during school his first week. I was actually a bit torn up during his first day because I dropped him off and left with little to do to help him settle into his classroom. I was a nervous wreck. He kept a stiff upper lip and enjoyed the day. When I got him a couple of hours later he said, "It felt like 10 minutes, Mom!" I am sad to not know EXACTLY how he is spending his day, but am trying my best to listen for the very fun tidbits. Like the fact he attended an all school assembly on day 2. He was most interested in the fact that they all had to go to the bathroom before the assembly because his teachers were going to be introduced to the whole school, so they couldn't leave to help with potty breaks. Yesterday, he had a beautiful epiphany in the car on the way home when he declared, "I didn't think about you today, Mom. (sounds harsh, but it gets better) I figured out that if I think about you, I get sad. But if I just think about Kindergarten, then I am happy, because it is so much fun!" I then explained that he is better than many adults who haven't figured out that fact just yet. Finally, I was proud to learn that he earned a special recognition in class today for being a good helper (the first one awarded for the year).

G is adjusting well, too. She has been dry at school for both days with no accidents, including nap time. She isn't eating much at school, but this doesn't surprise me. I was surprised to learn that she slept for a bit on day 2 during quiet time. She needs the nap, for sure, but isn't one to go to sleep easily in a new place. We, however, need to work on our plans at home while B is in school. She told me that she was, "Going to the office, Mom."

I am still waiting for a big meltdown of some sort, but I won't tell the kids that. I will admit that they were promised new scooters if they were happy all week. I decided by Thursday afternoon that they had MORE than earned those rewards, then spent about 3 hours trying to assemble the darn things. Turns out one had some kind of problem, so we exchanged it today and had it assembled in about 30 minutes!

Needless to say, I am so proud of my kiddos. It has been a very nice Mama week. Oh, and I am excited because T and I get some R&R this weekend to celebrate 7 years of marital bliss!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Family Fun

I am trying to get all the missed summer posts done before all the craziness of the new school year begins tomorrow.

We gathered in August with my Mom's family-including the family matriarch (loving referred to as Nany), her four children and their spouses, many of the grandchildren and 3 of 4 great grandchildren.

Please note, we are in no way endorsing drinking and operating heavy machinery, but a gals gotta do what a gals gotta do!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

All Good Things Must Come to an End

End of an Era. For the last 5 years, B and I have met weekly with the Mom/play group that I joined just a couple of months after B was born. We started meeting in our homes and when we got brave we started taking field trips. Most families added a sibling or two along the way. G joined the party when she arrived home and joined the increasing number of siblings. We celebrated births, birthdays, holidays. We said good bye to dear friends as circumstances changed and our group got smaller. Last week, we met at a local amusement park for our last day time meeting with the big group. As the big kids will start Kindergarten next week, we are shifting to monthly evening gatherings. This group of families has been the single most important addition to our lives besides our kids themselves. Thanks, Ladies (and Gentlemen) for helping us survive these crazy toddler years!

Munchkins Amok

Out little munchkin finished her summer sports class. She learned to play soccer, basketball, tennis, tee ball, floor hockey but if you ask her, she learned how to play Sharks and Minnows.