Monday, March 30, 2009

Long Time No Post

Sorry for the blog silence. T is working like mad, so I have fewer moments to sit at the laptop. I can try with B & G underfoot, but mostly I have to tell them that, "No, you can't sit on my lap...look at a game...type a few letters..." You get the point.

While away, not much has happened. Several head colds. Multiple words added to G's vocabulary. Feats of daring by G as well - standing on top of her chair, crawling on top of tables, attempting to crawl out of the pack-n-play, attempting to crawl over the gate at the top of our stairs. (I am sensing a theme...) I am worried about many things related to this daring little girl...I fear a few ER trips in our future. B was not a climber and is more likely to fear something new than try it, so this is really new territory for us.

It is more difficult to get G to sit still for a photo, so we enlisted B's help, because she has entered the phase of wanting to do whatever B does, regardless of what it is. 

G is officially 17 months - weighing 27 lbs. B will be 4 in a month and weighs 32 lbs. soaking wet. We keep telling him to be nice to her (knowing that in a less than a year, she'll be able to topple him!)


Here B poses in his Easter outfit. We got matching outfits to have a formal portrait taken. Since we would like to put money in our kids college fund, we decided not to order any of the portraits. (They really thought we'd be willing to pay over $12,000 for 5 framed portraits. No joke.) I'll post more photos after Easter. 

Now just more photos of the kids looking cute. G has started to choose to wear hats and headbands. Mom loves the low maintenance aspect of this new obsession.

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