Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Catching Up

One of the magical connections made with international adoption is when you are able to spend part of your journey with other families a little bit like your own. Shortly after our referral for G, I started trading email with a lovely lady in Wisconsin. She received a referral for a beautiful boy, MZ, who is just a few weeks older than G. As we waited for the court in Ethiopia to make it all official, we traded messages back and forth, trying to make sure we both knew all of the latest details. Those emails were such a wonderful lifeline during those long days of waiting. We were given US Embassy appointments on the same day, which meant we got to travel to Ethiopia together. Not only did they have a baby waiting for them in Ethiopia, but they also had a blue-eyed blonde 3 year old boy with them at home. 

Well, 14 months have passed since we said good bye to this incredible family. When I planned our long weekend in Chicago, one of my main motivations was to be able to spend some time with this great family, face-to-face. Introduce our now 4 year old boys. Let the youngest play together.  It was a beautiful day of just chatting and playing. We were fed well and everyone was happy. I just wish we lived close enough to see one another more often.

Our lovely hostess, R with MZ.

Host P, with MZ

The glorious spread of fresh fruit and veggies kept us all well fed that day.
Playing at the park
I had a hard time getting a picture with B & Q facing the camera - because they were always working on something. Here they are singing or yelling or something else crazy.

Q set up a very elaborate "alarm" system for the gate, to make sure G & MZ couldn't get out and wonder across the driveway. B was happy to help keep the babies safe. 

Oh, no. Baby approaching gate.
Quick. Keep her on the patio.
OK. She is safe. Our job is done.

Later in the day, we kept the toddlers inside while B & Q continued to work on their alarm system. MZ is explaining to G some very important information.
Q was happy to pass out hugs to all of us. Here G leans in for a little extra. 

We were all as happy as their smiles!


rebekah said...

Such a great post! We miss you guys already.

Chatter said...

That is so exciting. We are in MN right now actually for the Ethiopian picnic and I'm looking forward to meeting fellow bloggers.

Thanks so much for saying hi on my blog. Your family is beautiful!!

Chandra :)