Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Normal

I haven't posted for a bit because I am still working on making our New Normal less 'new' and much more 'normal'. B seems to be settling into his routine. I am still walking him all the way into his classroom rather than dropping him off at the door or the curb. Compared to the WEEKS of tantrums at drop off last year, I am happy to walk him to the room. Today was my first day volunteering with his class. He didn't like it when I left, but seemed to enjoy having me around today. I am thankful for that while it lasts.

G is spending her first day at a new school. I wasn't happy with her other option this fall. Unorganized is the best way to describe it. Nothing WRONG just didn't feel RIGHT. Had to follow my Mama instinct and go elsewhere. I called a couple of hours in and they said she is doing great. We'll see if she sleeps or eats...

T is working crazy hours. I hope this isn't a permanent part of our New Normal. I know he feels the same way. He was able to get away to celebrate a night away for our Anniversary. That was a well-needed break that we both enjoyed.

I will try not to stay away too long. For now, I'll keep working on this routine.

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