Sunday, March 13, 2011

Where have we been?

I haven't been feeling creative this past month, so I apologize for the lack of posts.

Much of what would be blogging time has been spent supervising B's work on his science project. It isn't a complicated project, however, when you type one letter at a time, getting all of the information ready to print on a display board can be a bit time consuming. Even though I tried to keep his input time to about 20 minutes every few days, it did take a bit of teeth pulling to get him to finish it. Thankfully, it is done.

Here's a photo that sums up G in a nutshell - 3 going on 25!

It wouldn't be a typical day if she hasn't:
1. Thrown herself on the floor for a good old fashioned tantrum
2. Answered a question with an exaggerated, "Yehhhhh - esssss"
3. Told me how much she is mad at me or is unhappy in general
4. Picked a fight with her brother
5. Given me (and her brother and Daddy) several unsolicited "I love you!"s

Such is the world of the bi-polar toddler.

1 comment:

Steph said...

I can't tell you how much relief I get out of other parents calling their children bipolar. RIGHT?! Snap! Sweet. Snap! Tantrum. Snap! Snuggle. Snap! Scream!

I can't keep up. :)

PS The mere thought of having to supervise and guide Henry through a school project makes me get the sweats.