Monday, May 23, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

Mother's Day.
Work dinners.
Birthday parties.
Mother-Son bowling.
Doctors' appointments.
Summer vacation planning.
Trying to stay connected with my friends.
J working in the yard on our few sunshiny days.
T on the road or working so late it is like he's out of town.
His travel only gets worse in June with 4 trips in 5 weeks.
Preparing for recitals, graduations and general end-of-the-school year celebrating.

Not a single photo taken EXCEPT for the professional session for the kids which I will post later. Needless to say, out of 70 frames, only about 4 of G are usable, 3 include her brother. First time that has ever happened. My bad for making an afternoon appointment. My kids smile much brighter earlier in the day.

If this all didn't sound exciting enough, Sunday brought a burst water main just outside the house - about 4 feet below a very thick concrete sidewalk, surrounded by many utilities. Thankfully, I found the water pouring into the basement rather quickly. The water company had the main shut off fast, while the in-laws arrived quickly to watch kiddos and help with clean-up while the plumbers began to fix the issue. Lots of trucks outside our house for the next few days trying to return our property to normal. Grateful that the damage was so minimal.

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