Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Past Month

June and July have been a bit of a blur - just look at the photos as proof. I apologize for the shaky photography - most of these images were snapped either in haste OR by my phone so they aren't great. T had a trip (mostly work) planned for every week in June and the first week into July, so I have been a bit in survival mode. We've had lots of fun as the kids wrapped up their school year and we headed into summer mode.

In early June, B "Graduated" from Kindergarten. I have a hard time with this concept because, as a friend pointed out, graduation implies the ability to stop once you are done. I haven't heard of many kids saying, "OK. Kinder is over. I think I'll take the next 6 months off to find myself before moving on to first grade." Either way, the ceremony was ADORABLE! The teachers put lots of hard work into getting the 60 Kinders organized for their program and walk across the stage. There was a nice reception afterward as well.

B shakes hands with his wonderful teacher, Mrs. D.
B says goodbye to his teaching assistant, Mrs. P.

B gets a group hug from two of his favorite people, A with his big sister, L.

Now that B was done with Kindergarten, he was eligible to begin Cub Scouts as an incoming First Grader. I was so proud to watch him at his Tiger Cub induction!

Once he had his uniform ready, he was able to participate with his Pack at a local July 4th Parade. (Forgive the puffy face - we had to get up at the crack of dawn that morning.)

Though G would have preferred to participate in the parade, she was happy to join the mad dash for candy as a spectator with Daddy that day.

B rides the float (notice the very fun campsite theme of the float) and
tosses candy to G and Dad.

The float was so cleaver, they won 1st place in the youth division!

We spent the afternoon of the 4th riding bikes and trying to help B perfect riding without training wheels.

We've also had some time to hang out with the cousins.

G was excited to hold Cousin M, who joined the family in April when T's cousin gave birth.

Cousin A came for a visit, too!

B started attending some morning athletic summer camps.
The favorite so far has been rock climbing.

I'll keep taking photos and trying to find time to keep up.

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