Thursday, March 27, 2008


One of the reasons we LOVE our adoption agency is that they take such good care of the kids before we are able to bring them home. Today, we received what is called G's, "Social Report". 15 pages of pictures and information about her care at the care center including her schedule/routine, how much she eats, when she sleeps, how she likes to go to sleep (rocked), what she does when she wakes in the night. She screams when she is hungry or wet, but is pretty happy otherwise. We can see from the photos that she is holding her head and looks like if she hasn't rolled over yet, she will very soon. We are so blessed to have this information before we travel. We can tell that the nannies love these babies and will miss her!!!

If any other babies are in the photos, I have blocked their faces for privacy reasons. 


Selah said...

She is beautiful and you will all be so blessed to be together. Also, what a treasure to have all of that info on her to help prepare. I am so happy for you and can hardly wait to meet her so soon. Congratulations on your sweetheart...
KImberly and Heye family

rebekah said...

I LOVE that last picture of her impish look over her shoulder! Less than a week!!