Friday, June 20, 2008

Evolution of Motion

When B was little, we watched his every move. I rarely put him down in one place, only to find him, a few minutes later, facing another direction without a clue as to how he got there. Well, it is different now with G. She can be content to be left with toys and a brother to watch, so often, I put her down only to find her somewhere different a few moments later. Now, keep in mind, she can't crawl (she gets high-centered on her belly), but she can spin around a bit. I didn't really know how it worked until I made a real effort to photograph the process. Now, moving from frame 1 to frame 2 took a matter of seconds and I didn't get it on camera. She turned to her side and grabbed a toy, ending up on her belly. Then she kicked out her feet. 

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