Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Arm Rolls & Eye Lashes

My friends who have adopted from Ethiopia and I like to discuss how big and chubby our babies have become. Something about going from "Failure to Thrive" to "90%+ on the growth chart" gives us a bit of mama pride. Here, G was playing on Mount Dad as she got ready to take a bath. You can see from the multiple arm rolls how this little peanut can weigh 25+ lbs at 13 months. 

I also want to showcase her INCREDIBLE eye lashes. Hard to photograph, but we finally captured them. I keep trying to get her best pout, too, but she tends to smile when I get the camera out.  I will keep trying while the pout is considered cute instead of aggravating. Women pay lots of money for sets of these attributes. G was just born with them!

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