Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Very Big Day

No pictures today but I feel like I need to make some kind of comment. 

B is sick, so we have been sitting on the couch watching the inauguration. I am not happy that he is sick, but if we'd kept to our normal schedule, I would have been in the car during the swearing in and speech. G sat on my lap clapping and B kept asking questions.

"When will he be President?"

"Is that Michelle?" 

"Why is it taking so long?" 

"Are THEY President yet?" 

I was laughing that Tom Brokaw pointed out the Princeton colors of Coach Robinson's scarf. Those of you not on the West Coast may not realize that the First Lady's brother is the head basketball coach for Oregon State and their colors are orange and black. My folks both went to OSU, along with both of my sisters, so I chuckled a bit at the mistake. (He did make an apology later, but not until much later.) 

The feeling that we can change our world,  that we have a responsibility to change our world, that we WILL change our world, is one I appreciate.  Like many, I am not sure how I will execute this duty, but I am open to it and look forward to the challenge. For now, I will try to raise two responsible, healthy, happy, respectful citizens. This minute, I will continue to play referee while the kids fight...I mean play....in the next room.  

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