Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Stuck in a Rut

Do you ever just have a few days where you feel like this?

Or maybe this?

I am feel a bit stuck. Nothing major. No big highs or lows, just stuck.

B got a great book called "Big Plans". A child goes around talk talk talking about his big plans. Nothing really happens. Just talk. That is how I feel.

We have plans to go to Chicago in June. There are talks of a week in Scotland in September. Even dreaming of a few days at the Happiest Place on Earth in November. Still. Me feeling stuck in a rut. Planning for family to visit in August as T's cousin gets married (yeah!). Lots of other plans surrounding that joyous day, but still just talk at this point. 

I try to be a positive person and think about how great things are in my life 99.99% of the time. T's got a great job that (mostly) makes him happy and always keeps him busy. We are blessed with good health and good fortune, beautiful friends and family, bountiful food, clean water. Two great kids wake up each morning with hugs and smiles for us both. The ability to travel the world. Books to read. Goals to reach. But I just have a case of the blahhhs! 

Enough whining. Sorry. 

But I must always remember, the kids are pretty happy.


Selah said...

Your children are so beautiful and you really capture them in your photos. Thank you for being so honest about how you are feeling. Even though you know those days will pass... the days are long when you feel that way. I hope you have a good rest of the week and again thank you for being transparent.

Karin said...

No need to apologize. I think most people have those days, me included. Perhaps it's time to get out of the house? We're only 10 minute away! Your kids are gorgeous -- as if you needed me to tell you that. :)