Sunday, August 16, 2009

Big Truck Day 2009

Well, it's that time of year again. The local Parks & Rec district hosts a free event one afternoon each August. It is called Big Truck Day and it is brilliant. Big rigs of every kind are parked in the parking lot and anyone and everyone can come and take a look. Kids (young and not-so-young) get to climb inside, honk the horn, push the buttons, etc. of all of the vehicles. They have semis, limos, buses, tractors, Department of Transportation vehicles of all kinds, police, fire, medical, commercial, etc. The timing was perfect because B's Godfather and his wife came to visit for the weekend. Mamama and Cousin B also joined in the fun. T's folks joined us as well. We had a blast.

The Motley Crew
All 3 of the little ones checking out the line striping machine.
The kids got plowed!
B and "The Godfather" (and his lovely wife)
G is ready to take over
The newest addition to the fleet this year was a Life Flight Helicopter. The first one had to leave, so we all watched as it rose up vertically, barely moving any debris.

A few minutes later, another landed and our kids were able to take a closer look.
I have no idea why G is so serious, but it cracks me up!
The 3 munchkins posing in the Monster Truck tire.
We stayed until the very end of Big Truck Day and got to watch many of the vehicles leaving. We decided it probably looked a bit intimidating to the neighbors when these three vehicles left in a caravan.

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