Wednesday, August 12, 2009


We were very pleased to help celebrate the marriage of T's cousin this past weekend. She also happens to be G's Godmother, so we were doubly excited! We especially enjoyed visiting with all of the out-of-town relatives.

G and B get all dolled up for their roles as flower girl and ring bearer.
The photographer is snapping photos of B while G watches for pointers.
G just couldn't bear to watch all of the kissing involved!
Well, OK. As long as she got in on the action.
B's two new BFFs. These two lovely ladies stayed with us over the long wedding weekend, along with their parents and grandparents. (Their Dad is T's cousin and also a cousin of the bride.) We could not have asked for more enjoyable house guests. B and G loved having 6 more people to chase after them for 4 days.

The two youngest family members played a bit during the reception. I think it helped them both that we visited Mr. C here in Chicago in June.

The wedding party. (Flower girl #2 is blocked out since I don't know her parents.) The kids were so well behaved. We were all pleased.
T's uncles (first 3) and Dad (far right). Do they look like brothers, or what??


Marlo said...

That dress! That hair! That smile! That tux! That hair! That smile! All that cutie-pie is so sweet!

Tiffany said...

Oh my, they both look adorable all dressed up!!!