Thursday, December 30, 2010

School Play

One of the perks of going to Catholic school is that when they have a program in December, they get to call it a Christmas Program. Not only do they get to sing songs about Santa and Christmas, but they also get to sing about shepherds, angels AND baby Jesus! Reminds me of public school when I was a little kid!

My folks, T's folks and Nany were on hand with T & me to see B's class perform their version of the Christmas story. They sang and danced (a bit). There were costumes (mostly just headdresses) and a few kids had lines to memorize. I tried to get some good shots of the group, but since I am a bit height challenged, mostly I got lots of audience back shots and bit of the kids showing behind them. Believe me, it was a hoot. They sang a verse from SO MANY SONGS! Sister Denise, the school music teacher, gets a big thumbs up for teaching 28 kinders so many songs in under 6 weeks (meeting just about 60 minutes per week).

B was part of the shepherd contingent.

Cuddled up with his teacher, Mrs. Davis.

Posing with Mom and Dad
Unfortunately, once T's head wasn't cut off, B's smiles turned all "Chandler Bing"

1 comment:

Steph said...

Cute! Henry has that same shirt! Gymboree? :)