Sunday, December 26, 2010

Where did December go??

Sorry for the radio silence. I had high hopes of getting so many thing accomplished early this year. Christmas cards were going to be mailed just after Thanksgiving. (Ha!) All gifts were not only going to be purchased by wrapped before the 15th. (Ha Ha!) Blog was going to be organized and all of those important year end thoughts and photos were going to be uploaded. (Ha Ha Ha!)

Then reality set in. T was gone for a week, which isn't unusual, but does make those precious evening hours after the kids go to bed a bit more precious. Throw in a head cold that WON'T GO AWAY. Add Christmas programs, school volunteering, play dates, family photos sessions, family celebrations and a lovely little stomach bug that hit me the night of the 23rd and is still lingering...(I am not sure if it is food related or viral, but I stayed away from just about everyone in case it was contagious). T proved once again to be superman. Woke up on the 24th asking what needed to be done. Did it all. Brought me saltines and sprite. Kept the kids entertained and away from me for long periods of time. Got everyone to Christmas Eve Mass, including Nany. Made dinner and celebrated Christmas with his parents. Left a note for Santa - with cookies and eggnog and carrots for the reindeer. (T wanted to leave a glass of Bailey's but B wouldn't allow it since Santa was driving the sleigh and it's not OK to drink and drive.) Got kids tucked into bed (in matching PJs too!). Prepared the house for Santa's arrival.

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