Sunday, August 24, 2008

Best of Intentions

So, a few weeks back, I got the bright idea that while T was out of town on business in August, I would take the kids to see my sister, brother-in-law and niece. Not brave enough to fly with the two by myself, I enlisted the help of my mother. It's a short flight. Both kids have flown before. I am a relatively seasoned traveler. No sweat. 

Well, last week, G was diagnosed with an ear infection. I figured she'd be nearly done with her meds and we'd use ear drops to make sure the flight didn't hurt. Then came the killer diaper rash. We were medicating and changing her diapers frequently all week. Little did I know, this would be the least of our worries. 

Early this past week, B was diagnosed with an ear infection. He started his meds on Tuesday. Then came the horrible mouth soars on Wednesday. I was prepared to cancel our Thursday departure. Then, he perked up. Felt much better. So we packed and headed out. 

B's rash started sometime on Thursday. By the time we got to my sister's place, she told us to stop B's antibiotics because he was showing signs of an allergic reaction. (Thank Goodness she's a Pediatrician!!!) Then came the fever. Then came B's HORRIBLE stomach problems. I won't go into details. I will just say that my poor nearly-potty-trained 3 year old was back in diapers and we were doing lots of laundry. I decided around 3 am Saturday morning that we were heading home on the first flight we could get on once the sun came up.

Luckily, we got on a flight and got home without any major poop incidents. He did throw about 6 temper tantrums between the rental car lot and getting on the plane, but then flew like a champ. (THANK YOU MOM FOR HELPING US. I COULD NOT HAVE SURVIVED WITHOUT YOU.) It appears that B had 4 different problems: an ear infection that luckily cleared up, a virus causing sores in his mouth, an allergic reaction to Amoxicillin, and rotovirus (we are still awaiting lab results, but pretty sure that is it). 

Fortunately, during all of that yuck, there were moments of fun. Watching the cousins have fun together was great. I wished we lived close enough to see them every week. 

Here is G with A - her older (she's almost 2 1/2) cousin who ADORES her. 

Here's B, watching the Olympics (or Mickey Mouse). Except when riding their 4 wheeler with his aunt, this is about as happy as he got. 

Fortunately, for the most part, G was in great spirits. 

Since our return home, G is not only on her feet most of the time, she is side-stepping while holding onto the ottoman in our living room. Before we left, she would stand, but not take steps. While standing, she wobbled all of the time. Now, she is steady and just holding on with one hand. I blame the endless hours of watching cousin A run, walk, climb and dance. 

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