Friday, April 17, 2009

Author Unknown

There was a girl with skin as dark as the earth 
and a boy with eyes as blue as the deep
and they loved each other so well
that people could not tell them apart;
for in their hearts,
there was no difference between them.

This beautiful poem was part of an adoption announcement from some friends of ours. I liked it enough to add it permanently to the side of the blog, but wanted to create a post, too. Thanks, Karin, for letting me "borrow it". 


Karin said...

I wish I remembered where I found the quote -- but I've held onto it for a long time. I'm glad you like it.

I've been purusing your blog tonight. It's hard to believe how much and how quickly G has grown. I wouldn't have even known it was her in those first pictures. Wow!

rebekah said...

I know where that quote is from - give my brain some time and I'll get it.

You know I love it:) Especially since we're working on #3, little girl. Surprise!

And one more thing - I check out of internet for a few days and you post like a woman on fire!