Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Fickle Friend

G's relationship with food has been strange at best. When she came into our care in Ethiopia, she wanted to eat all of the time. She'd eat 6 ounces every couple of hours, to the point she'd get sick from over eating. I dreaded being in the car at certain times of the day because if she got hungry, she'd scream like I was putting hot pokers to her eyes until she had a bottle. Then she started to settle in and we found our groove.

Next, we started working on solid foods. She LOVED to eat. Not much she wasn't willing to try. I could easily feed her a well-rounded diet of meat, vegetables, fruit, cereal and milk. Hurray for us.

Add table food. Not our best nutritional experience. She's had several days of single category eating. Take Whole Wheat Ritz crackers. She would literally only eat them for days on end. (Still getting milk, of course.) Apple Nutrigrain bars. Bananas. Grilled Cheese. Peanut butter crackers. And as quickly as she'd gobble these items one day, she'd refuse them the next. I have always put a bit of our meals on her plate. Meat. Veggies. Pasta. Fruit. I can hardly get her to touch a vegetable (but I try to sneak them in if I can). But meat/fish are almost impossible. She won't let it pass her lips. I have tried kid-friendly (hot dogs of all varieties, chicken nuggets), grilled, breaded, chicken, pork, beef, salmon, tuna, turkey, with sauce, fancy, plain. You get the point. Well, tonight things changed.*  I grilled up 4 chicken-apple sausages. 2 for T. 1 for J. 1 for the kids to split, if that. I didn't expect them to eat much of it. I think I ate half of one, because both B and G couldn't get enough. At this point, G has consumed 1/2 of one sausage. She wasn't done. 

The end of the video is a shout out to Katie. We had coffee this morning and G would say her name, but only when Katie was out of ear shot. So, once again, thanks to Katie for the great visit this morning. 

*I do realize that by posting this, in all likelihood, she'll never touch another chicken apple sausage again. 

1 comment:

Steph said...

So cute! She loves her some apple sausage! I can't believe how much she is talking!