Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Year in Review

One year ago, we were on our way to Africa. We landed in Ethiopia on Thursday, April 3 and were introduced to G on Friday, April 4. We weren't allowed to have cameras at the care center so we couldn't take photos of our own until Monday, April 7. Hard to imagine a year has past but also hard to imagine it has only been one year. 

Ignore the sweaty, flat-haired backdrops. See the tiny, scared little peanut wondering what in the heck we are doing with her.

She eventually relaxed enough to fall asleep. 

Look at the tiny, little arms. She was 5 1/2 months old, but the size of a newborn. She is wearing 0-3 month clothes and they are baggy!

No surprise that T got her to smile. She is starting to think we aren't too scary.
After vomiting on Mom at the hotel just before checkout, then in the airplane on one of our travel mates, flying to Europe, hanging out with Dad while Mom napped in the airport in Amsterdam, then flying to the US, we were met at the airport by 4 grandparents and one nervous big brother. His nerves disappeared quickly. G still needed to warm up to him a bit.  

May sunshine. Learning to sit up. Loving time with her big brother. Drooling (hence the monster bib). Looking cool with the hip shades. 

In June, G started crawling (though backward at first). The chubby arms have arrived.

July brought the day of playing in light and shadows. Crawling, too.

Hot August morning at Big Truck Day. Playing coy with the hat. Happier and happier every day.
September means big smiles, big cheeks and a little hair coming in.
Next comes REALLY chubby arms and a first birthday. G climbs mount Dad and is a playful joy.

Looking back, I should never have offered the piece of cake, or the love of carbs may not have been born. But it was that ever important first piece of cake. 

Winter came quickly as did the snow. Hard to navigate but she seemed to like it.

A great trip to San Diego, though a bit wet at times, was a welcome break from our snowy winter. If the sun wasn't shining, these smiles were.

Smiles continue to abound.  Happy toddler times. 

Equally entertaining (for the time being) is her sassy side. We call this pose "LIPS". Most times it is silly, but sometimes it is accompanied by a bit of an attitude. I am fearful of adolescence. 

A smiley happy girl. Posing for the camera. Saying cheese. Sitting patiently. 


Mama Papaya said...

There you go making me all sniffly. She has absolutely blossomed. Happy famiversary!

Steph said...

Jeanelle! I'm so glad you posted a comment, b/c I had lost your blog address! Your babies are just adorable! I can't believe how big they BOTH have gotten! It is totally evident how happy your family is. :)

hotflawedmama said...

I cannot believe that is the same little girl we saw in Ethiopia! My goodness look what love can do! Beautiful, beautiful family. So happy to have shared that experience with you guys. Happy 1 year!