Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Egg Hunts - one week ago

As an almost 4 year old, B is very into holiday celebrations and Easter is no exception. We spent last Wednesday morning hunting eggs first with his preschool class then onto play group, where a local shopping center was sponsoring a merchant egg hunt. The rain held off so we got to enjoy a couple hours of walking in the fresh air. 

Waiting for the teachers to lead them to the play ground. 

Walking over to the hunting ground.
Gathering eggs. They were instructed to collect 7 eggs. Within 30 seconds, B was back to me showing off his stash..

While the play group moms gathered in the background, I asked the kids to line up and prepare to move from the grocery store to the next merchant. Can you tell all of these 3-4 year olds are now in school?? I asked them to line up and they did! The younger siblings weren't as cooperative, but still had a nice time. 

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