Thursday, October 29, 2009

Weekend Warriors

I realize that I have spent many blog posts raving about our play group. But they are really worth the time and effort to praise. Not just the kids, not just the moms, but the dads, too. This fall, instead of planning a Moms' weekend away, we tried to pick a weekend when all of the families could take a trip together. Unfortunately, only 4 of the 7 families could make it. We missed the other 3 families. However, I think it was ambitious to have 8 kids 4 and under in one house for one weekend. No major fights. No trips to the ER. Only a few bandages needed.

No backyard, unless you count the Par 4 golf hole behind the house. Lucky for us, the course was all but deserted the entire weekend.
Lots of downtime just chilling with our friends.
Even though the forecast called for rain, our daylight hours were dry. The kiddos spent a majority of the weekend in the large driveway riding bikes, trikes and scooters.

Lots of doorbell ringing

Balloon rockets were flying

As we prepared to leave on Sunday, the dads played 18 holes while the moms entertained the troops. Here the kiddos are running an obstacle course designed by one of the very creative moms.

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