Sunday, November 22, 2009

Home Again Home Again

What a great time in the Magic Kingdom. Happy to be home, but we had a great time. More photos to follow.

We got home early enough that T and I went to a movie while B & G spent some time with their grandparents. We saw "The Blind Side". It's about football. And love. Family. Adoption. We both really enjoyed it. Like need-to-own-the-DVD-so-we-can-watch-it-any-time-we-are-in-a-funk loved it. It won't win an Oscar. It probably won't be represented at the Golden Globes. But it is a great story. A mostly happy story. A true story.

It didn't beat you over the head about transracial adoption or relationships. It was about a boy who needed a family and a family who was lucky enough to fill that void.

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