Monday, November 9, 2009

Read to Me

Books are one of the few items in the world which I consider to be truly unlimited. We have them all over the house and the kids are really starting to amass large piles of them in each of their rooms. I don't worry about making time to read to the kids too much during the day, because I know we end each evening with a few (and oftentimes several) books as part of their bedtime rituals. G asks for them in her crib. B sits with a pile to thumb through even after we leave the room.

Many nights when I do the final check of the kiddos before I head off to our room, I have to move books out of the way so they won't impede the tossing and turning I know is bound to happen during the night.

Saturday night, however, was the first time I happened upon this particular seen.

He's out cold. Open book in his hand. Dreams in his head.

1 comment:

hotflawedmama said...

Looks like me! :) I'm the same way...I'll buy books out of the wazoo. Can never have too many!