Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I miss you nap time

Why is it that when they reach a certain age (say 2) kids go through a sleep adjustment period? Both of mine have done it and today it is driving me crazy.

G fell asleep in the car. For 15 minutes. Woke up when we got home. Refuses to go back to sleep. I tried to rock her. She asked to go to her crib. A few minutes later, I could hear her talking to herself. A few more minutes and the talking turned to yelling. She is now shouting, "MOMMY! OUT!" Shaking her crib. Stomping her feet. Throwing all blankets, books, stuffed animals and socks out onto the floor.

We had a nice 6+ month run when she'd always transfer from the car to the crib. I think that luxury is gone.

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